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Ms. Sanchez's Art Class

Hello Artists! Let's start creating.

6th Grade Schedule

Breakfast 7:47 AM - 8:00 AM 

1st Block 8:00 AM - 8:54 AM

2nd Block 8:57 AM - 9:51 AM

SEL 9:51 AM - 10:01 AM

3rd Block 10:04 AM - 10:58 AM

Lunch 11:01 AM - 11:31 AM

4th Block 11:34 AM - 12:28 PM   (Conference Period)

5th Block 12:31 PM - 1:25 PM

DEAR TIME 1:28 PM - 1:39 PM

6th Block 1:39 PM - 2:33 PM 

7th Block 2:36 PM - 3:30 PM


7th Grade Schedule

Breakfast 7:47 AM - 8:00 AM 

1st Block 8:00 AM - 8:54 AM

2nd Block 8:57 AM - 9:51 AM

SEL 9:51 AM - 10:01 AM

3rd Block 10:04 AM - 10:58 AM

4th Block 11:01 AM - 11:55 AM     (Conference Period)

Lunch 11:58 AM - 12:28 PM

5th Block 12:31 PM - 1:25 PM

DEAR TIME 1:28 PM - 1:39 PM

6th Block 1:39 PM - 2:33 PM 

7th Block 2:36 PM - 3:30 PM

8th Grade Schedule

Breakfast 7:47 AM - 8:00 AM 

1st Block 8:00 AM - 8:54 AM

2nd Block 8:57 AM - 9:51 AM

SEL 9:51 AM - 10:01 AM

3rd Block 10:04 AM - 10:58 AM

4th Block 11:01 AM - 11:55 AM    (Conference Period)

5th Block 11:58 AM - 12:52 PM

Lunch 12:55 PM - 1:25 PM

DEAR TIME 1:28 PM - 1:39 PM

6th Block 1:39 PM - 2:33 PM 

7th Block 2:36 PM - 3:30 PM



1. Introduction:

Rules and procedures are fundamental in life and we all follow them on a regular basis. We also have rules and procedures for the Art classroom. If these rules and procedures are followed, they contribute to a positive learning environment for everyone.

2. Procedures for entering the classroom:

You are expected to follow this procedure upon entering the classroom:

  • You are not to stand or wait around in the hallway.

  • Enter the classroom without running or pushing. 

  • If any materials are listed on the board, get those materials out and ready.

  • Sit in your assigned seat.

  • Work on the warm up and wait for further instructions.

3. If you are absent:

It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make up any missed assignments, projects, or quizzes in a timely manner when you return from an absence. Follow this procedure:

  • Do the warm up on the board, if you don’t know how, ask a classmate to explain

  • Listen to instructions on the current day’s objective.

  • Raise your hand and wait until the teacher can explain what you missed and how to make up the work.

  • Make up the work outside of class.

The teacher will follow the PISD policy on grading makeup work. Make sure to turn in your work on time so that you don’t lose points.

4. Extra Credit

Extra Credit can be done at any point in time throughout the school year. It is the student's responsibility to undergo the extra credit assignment. 

Extra Credit Assignment will consist of:

  1. A One Page Biography on an Artist

  2. A clean and well detailed drawing. (must be colored or shaded and Line paper drawing will not be accepted.

Extra Credit Assignments will be credited for the 6 weeks that it was received in so long as the Grading Due Dates are met. If the work is turned in after the Grading Due Date it will be credited to the next 6 weeks. 

5. Turning in Assignments:

I will tell you when to turn in your assignments. A due date will be posted on the board for your convenience. When asked to turn in your assignments, you need to make sure your name, class period, and table number are documented on it somewhere that is legible. If you do not put this information on your assignment, ten points will be deducted from your grade.

6. Attention please:

There will be times during class when I will need to get your attention. When I need everyone to listen to instructions I will raise my hand and say, “class, your attention please.” Your response should be to turn your eyes toward me, but what you are working on aside, and you should stop talking. This procedure should not take more than 10 seconds.

7. Cell phone policy:

Cell phone usage in the classroom is strictly prohibited unless we are working with them as a class and/or using this for reference images. If you have an image on your phone that you would like to work from, you need to ask the teacher and make sure the teacher knows you are using it for that purpose. Failure to do this will result in getting your phone taken up and sent to the office. Also, if you are caught off task and using your phone to do anything other than the class work assigned for that day, your phone will be taken up and sent to the office. No exceptions.

8. Music:

Personal music devices are not permitted in this class. If you use headphones or play your own music, your device will be taken up and sent to the office. The teacher will play music when all students are on task and when I am not instructing the whole class.

9. End of class procedures:

You will have the right amount of time at the end of class to clean your area and put up materials. As we start to use art tools, I will model how to properly clean and store them. You are expected to clean and care for the art tools in the same way that you are instructed to do. Failure to do this will result in points off your grade or a D-Hall assignment. Art teachers do not tolerate vandalism; please be mindful of how you care for the property in the art classroom. 

10. When you finish an assignment early:

Follow this procedure before telling the teacher you are finished:

  • Ask yourself if you gave your best effort.

  • Ask yourself how you could improve your work.

  • Make those tweaks accordingly, and then ask the teacher how you could improve. (Asking a classmate is also helpful.)

Once the teacher has approved your finished work, you may clean up your area and prepare for the next assignment. NEVER ASSUME THAT WHEN YOU ARE DONE, YOU CAN SIT AND DO NOTHING. Other class homework is not permitted unless you are in the TCB class.

11. Restroom policy:

One person may go to the restroom at a time. You may only use the restroom if I am done instructing the class as a whole, you are caught up in class, and if you have not abused the privilege in the past.

12. Classroom Rules:

A- Always give your best effort

R- Respect yourself, the teacher, and other classmates

T- Tools must be used appropriately and safely.

13. Consequences:

If you violate any classroom rules or school rules, The Student Code of Conduct policy will be followed for proper consequences.

14. What to expect in this class


You will earn grades for:

  • Worksheets

  • Notes

  • Vocabulary quizzes

  • Content Exams

  • Essays

  • Sketchbook/warm up 

  • Evaluations/ Critiques

  • Artist Biographies

  • Projects (test grades)

15. Safety:

Some art tools will need to be checked out by the teacher. If you check out a tool, it is your responsibility to return the tool before you are dismissed. 

Other safety information:

  • If you spill liquids or break glass, notify the teacher immediately.

  • Clean up all materials to prevent clutter.

  • Throw trash away in an appropriate receptacle.

  • Never throw glass or solvents into the trash can. Ask the teacher where to dispose of these things.

  • If a tool breaks while you are using it, notify the teacher. Never throw art tools away without teacher's permission. 

16. Supplies:

  • Art 1: Pencils, Pencil Sharpener, Scissors, Fine tip marker set, colored pencil set, Magic rub eraser, 9x12in Sketchbook, Watercolor set, large zip lock bag, black fine tip marker, glue stick, ruler

17. Further information:

Due to the nature of fine arts and its long history, images of religion and violence will be viewed in order to gain a healthy understanding of these subjects and their place in society and history. The teacher will ensure that each Subject is age appropriate and that students view these images with a mature and educational mindset.